
近日ETF投資在國內掀起新一波狂潮,其中 ETF00940 引起全民搶購潮,因為申購量大,讓許多家銀行證券不堪負荷,募集金額估計吸金逾1700億。ETF 是什麼意思?股票、債券和房地產等常見的投資商品的英文怎麼說?快跟我們一起學起來!


Lucy: There has been a recent ETF buying frenzy in Taiwan, with many people scurrying to buy ETF00940.
露西:近期台灣掀起搶購ETF的風潮,有好多人搶買 ETF00940。

Kate: What is an “ETF”?

Lucy: An ETF stands for “Exchange Traded Fund,” which is a fund that tracks major market indexes or bond market indexes. Aside from ETFs, common investment products include stocks, bonds, and real estate.
露西:ETF 的意思是「指數股票型基金」,是追蹤市場上主要指數或債券市場指數的基金。除了ETF,常見的投資商品還有股票、債券和房地產。

Kate: I see. So, are foreign currencies and gold also considered investment products?

Lucy: Yep!

Kate: What makes ETF00940 such a hit?
凱特:為什麼 ETF00940這麼受歡迎呢?

Lucy: Numerous investors are drawn to it because of its low issuance price of NT$10 and monthly dividend payments.



英文 中文
 ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) 指數股票型基金
fund 基金
stock 股票
bond 債券
real estate 房地產
foreign currency 外幣
foreign exchange 外匯
futures 期貨
dividend 股息、股利
shareholder 股東
spike 飆漲
surge 飆升
tumble 暴跌
plummet 重挫