



學術演講題型主題相當豐富,要聽懂托福的學術講座,幾乎可說是必須上知天文下知地理,但不論學術講座的主題為何,這些演講內容都有一個共通點:美國教授在論述一個議題時一定有一個明確的架構 (structure)。通常學術講座,都會由「學生的提問」或是「教授的自問自答」開始,娓娓道出今天講座的主旨(main idea),通常不論是在論述歷史的時間軸線或者是生物的空間曲線,教授都會有非常清晰的架構,甚至是透過語氣稍微的放緩,來明確的告訴考生這個就是接下來出題的重點。這裡老師以TPO第二回,《亞里斯多德的幸福觀》來舉例。

OK. Another ancient Greek philosopher we need to discuss is Aristotle—Aristotle’s ethical theory. What Aristotle’s ethical theory is all about is this: he’s trying to show you how to be happy—what true happiness is. Now, why is he interested in human happiness? It’s not just because it’s something that all people want to aim for. It’s more than that. But to get there we need to first make a very important distinction.

一上來教授就提到了希臘三大哲人之一亞里斯多德,並反覆追問,到底對於亞里斯多德而言,何謂幸福(happiness)?以上來的主旨題,考生千萬不能在這個節骨眼上漏聽和恍神,如果單字弱到連”ethical”都聽不懂,是非常非常吃虧的。所以同學特別要注意,當教授提到了“definition”,“a theoretical term”,或者是“the main purpose of”都是意味著教授要開始講重點,講主旨,出考題了

Let me introduce a couple of technical terms: extrinsic value and intrinsic value. To understand Aristotle’s interest in happiness, you need to understand this distinction. Some things we aim for and value, not for themselves but for what they bring about in addition to themselves. If I value something as a means to something else, then it has what we will call “extrinsic value.” Other things we desire and hold to be valuable for themselves alone. If we value something not as a means to something else, but for its own sake, let us say that it has “intrinsic value.” Exercise. There may be some people who value exercise for itself, but I don’t. I value exercise because if I exercise, I tend to stay healthier than I would if I didn’t. So I desire to engage in exercise and I value exercise extrinsically . . . not for its own sake, but as a means to something beyond it. It brings me good health. Health. Why do I value good health? Well, here it gets a little more complicated for me. Um, health is important for me because I can’t . . .do other things I want to do— play music, teach philosophy—if I’m ill. So health is important to me—has value to me—as a means to a productive life. But health is also important to me because I just kind of like to be healthy—it feels good. It’s pleasant to be healthy, unpleasant not to be. So to some degree I value health both for itself and as a means to something else: productivity. It’s got extrinsic and intrinsic value for me. Then there’s some things that are just valued for themselves. I’m a musician, not a professional musician; I just play a musical instrument for fun. Why do I value playing music? Well, like most amateur musicians, I only play because, well, I just enjoy it. It’s something that’s an end in itself. Now, something else I value is teaching. Why? Well, it brings in a modest income, but I could make more money doing other things. I’d do it even if they didn’t pay me. I just enjoy teaching. In that sense it’s an end to itself. But teaching’s not something that has intrinsic value for all people—and that’s true generally. Most things that are enjoyed in and of themselves vary from person to person. Some people value teaching intrinsically, but others don’t.

以上開始,教授開始介紹亞里斯多德對於幸福的兩種定義: intrinsic value和extrinsic value。也是從 “Let me introduce a couple of technical terms: extrinsic value and intrinsic value.” 正式進入講座的核心主題段落(body)。考試如果在這個時候分心或漏聽教授的舉例,則將嚴重影響接下來的題目會碰到的細節題和語氣題。美國的教授在抽象的理論概念的後面,通常都會用非常具體的例子,來解釋說明剛剛提到的抽象理論。值得特別注意的是,在托福的聽力上面,教授如果要舉例,通常會有幾個signal words:

such as…
Now let’s take a glimpse at
Well, what it covers including
For example/For instance


True human happiness should be, as he puts it, complete. Complete in that it’s all we require. Well, true human happiness . . . if you had that, what else do you need? Nothing. And, second, true happiness should be something that I can obtain on my own. I shouldn’t have to rely on other people for it. Many people value fame and seek fame. Fame for them becomes the goal. But, according to Aristotle, this won’t work either, because fame depends altogether too much on other people. I can’t get it on my own, without help from other people. In the end, Aristotle says that true happiness is the exercise of reason—a life of intellectual contemplation . . . of thinking. So let’s see how he comes to that.


破解聽力的神遊太虛: 恍神退散



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